-61 wrPermErr - write permissions error -60 badMDBErr - bad master directory block -59 fsRnErr - file system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored… -58 extFSErr - volume in question belongs to an external fs -57 noMacDskErr - not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong) -56 nsDrvErr - no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) -55 volOnLinErr - drive volume already on-line at MountVol -54 permErr - permissions error (on file open) -53 volOffLinErr - volume not on line error (was Ejected) -52 gfpErr - get file position error -51 rfNumErr - refnum error -50 paramErr - error in user parameter list -49 opWrErr - file already open with with write permission -48 dupFNErr - duplicate filename (rename). A file could not be moved probably because there are two files by the same name in the “Daily Folder” and the “Startup Items" folder located in the “System Folder”. -47 fBsyErr - File is busy (delete) -46 vLckdErr - volume is locked -45 fLckdErr - file is locked -44 wPrErr - diskette is write protected -43 fnfErr - File not found -42 tmfoErr - too many files open -41 mFulErr - memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) -40 posErr - tried to position to before start of file (r/w) -39 eofErr - End of file -38 fnOpnErr - File not open -37 bdNamErr - there may be no bad names in the final system! -36 ioErr - I/O error (bummers) -35 nsvErr - no such volume -34 dskFulErr - disk full -33 dirFulErr - Directory full